Individuals are highly susceptible to the conditions surrounding them. Everything in our surroundings, from the colors we see to the textures we feel, should bring us happiness if we wish to stimulate our thinking. Having your own home or commercial space is one of life’s most coveted achievements. More care should be used during the building if the desired aesthetic effect is to be achieved. That which is built must be flawless, gorgeous, and should last forever. Our goal in this blog is to provide you with a list of the many advantages teakwood sandstone possesses over wood.
Why Granite?
If you’re looking to improve the value of your home with an investment that will last a long time and look great while doing it, granite is a great choice. The quality of the granite is essential, as is its aesthetic appeal. No two pieces of granite are ever exactly alike, so it’ll make the inside of the house look fantastic and lovely. In addition, the warm and light tones of the granite provide a lively overall impression. When it comes to home improvement projects like installing a new kitchen countertop, stair riser, or tabletop, granite is the most popular material choice. In the same way, most of us prefer wood too. Wooden floors, countertops, staircases, etc., are popular choices for home decorators.
Why we’ve gone to Wood?
Wood, it’s true, has a beauty and a warmth that no other material quite matches. However, it also has a number of drawbacks. The question then becomes what to do if you like the aesthetics of wood yet the practicality of granite. If that’s the case, good fortune has smiled upon you. Beautiful granite planks that pass for wood are available. In this post, we’ll take a look at one of the most wood-like teakwood sandstone available. It is Teakwood Sandstone.
One of the most realistic-looking granites that can be found is teakwood sandstone. Khatu Teak wood sandstone is a widely recognized and highly prized material. Typically, these sandstones have their own textured surface. The colour is lovely, and it has an understated elegance. This would elegantly complement both indoor and outdoor settings with a hint of earthy tones. This stone’s dark hue and natural grain make it very desirable.
Now you may have a few questions in your mind…….
- Why do we choose to use sandstone instead of wood?
- Are there any benefits to using sandstone?
- What are the cons of using wood? Can we overcome the problems of wood if we use sandstone?
Let’s see, Teakwood Sandstone
A wood’s finish can be ruined by water, and the wood itself can expand and leak if it becomes too wet. However, Teakwood sandstones bring you the texture, feel, and aesthetic qualities that one typically associated with wood. Even the most durable wood will eventually succumb to knife marks, scratches, and dents. While, Teakwood Sandstone, like many natural stones used for interior decoration, is long-lasting and adaptable. It may be used for both floors and walls and would look great as a kitchen backsplash or in the foyer. Even with low maintenance, Teakwood sandstone will retain its high quality and attractive appearance for decades.
Humidity is high in places like Kerala. More water content is there in the atmosphere. Whether it is cold or hot weather, wood will expand and shrink. Since termite-like organisms destroy the wood, the treatments used to get rid of it are allergic to humans. Some of the things that substitute wood lead people to major diseases. There are no such problems with sandstone granite . It is long-lasting and atmospheric changes do not have any effect on it. Long-lasting does not only mean strength, It means it lasts forever even if we are not using it for a long time.
Things to Know More about Teakwood sandstone granite
- The texture of teakwood sand sandstone resembles the texture of wood, which attracts the attention of almost everyone. It is also a great choice for use around swimming pools for its advantages of being a non-slip surface and being smooth on the surface. This helps greatly against poolside slips.
- Sandstone flooring is not as resistant to liquids, mold, and bacteria as other types of natural stone. It can warp in extreme conditions. Therefore, it is not typically used in bathrooms, kitchens, or below-grade rooms.
- Sandstone has a high absorption rate, which means that liquids can penetrate deep into the material. If they are not caught early enough, they can cause permanent stains. Like other natural stone, sandstone is alkaline and can be damaged by acidic cleaners, but this problem is easy to avoid.
- Sandstone is very strong, but no surface is invincible. Even the strongest stone can be cracked or broken under the right circumstances. countertops are very durable, but they can become scratched or chipped if you’re not careful. So ,We do not use teakwood sandstone in rough handling areas.
The conclusion
If you are debating on what type of countertop to get for your kitchen or bathroom, you should definitely go with sandstones. Not only is it more aesthetically pleasing than wood, but it is also more durable and easier to care for. With a little bit of basic maintenance, your granite countertop will last you for many years to come. With teakwood granites, it’s possible to bring the look of wood to your indoors and outdoors without the need for constant upkeep.
If you want to grab teakwood sandstone, look no further than Ain Granites and Natural Stones. Contact us on our social media platform …
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